Our Beloved Canyon Under Siege: A Call to Action

Many of you know and cherish the beauty of the 32nd Street Canyon, a vital urban sanctuary in our neighborhood. However, I'm writing to share a disturbing development that threatens the very essence of this natural treasure.

A Routine Gone Wrong?

Recently, a City crew entered the canyon for what they claim was a "routine" maintenance procedure. The reality, however, was far from routine. Their actions resulted in:

  • Excessive Damage: Fence posts were shattered, a large boulder was displaced, and native plants were destroyed far beyond the designated 8-foot access limit.

  • Disruption of Wildlife Habitat: This work occurred during nesting season, potentially violating the Migratory Bird Treaty.

  • Destruction of Years of Restoration Efforts: Decades of hard work and investment by dedicated volunteers were erased in a single, careless act.

More Than Just a Canyon

These coastal canyons are crucial to our city's well-being. They act as buffers against polluted water, CO2 emissions, and the effects of climate change. Furthermore, the restoration project at 32nd Street Canyon was funded by the California Dept. of Water Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Partners Program, with the trust that the City would act as a responsible steward.

Taking Action

We cannot stand by and let our neighborhood’s climate buffer degrade.
Here's what we need to do:

  • Demand Transparency: We are requesting copies of the City biologists’ nesting survey and permits for habitat disturbance and removal during nesting season (if one exists).

  • Hold the City Accountable: We urge the City Leadership to help the Open Space Division and Public Utilities Department (P.U.D.) adhere to established Regulations and Guidelines that ensure respectful maintenance practices.

  • Restore the Canyon: To prevent further damage, we need immediate action and signage signaling that restoration is coming.

Join the Fight

This isn't just about one canyon. It's about protecting the natural wonders that enrich our lives and safeguard our environment.

Here's how you can help:

  • Spread the Word: Share this blog post with your friends, family, and neighbors.

  • Contact the City: Let your voice be heard! Contact our council member Stephen Whitburn - stephenwhitburn@sandiego.gov and Mayor Gloria's Climate Advisor Randy Wilde - rwilde@sandiego.govRemind them that healthy canyons affect climate positively, but damaged habitats precipitates fires and flooding.

  • Attend the Greater Golden Hill Planning Group Meeting: Join us at the upcoming meeting of the Greater Golden Hill Community Planning Group on July 22 @ 6:30 P.M. at Golden Hill Community Clubhouse – 2646 Russ Blvd, San Diego, CA 92102. Together, we can make a difference.

The future of our beloved canyon rests in our hands. Let's stand together and ensure its beauty and ecological importance are preserved for generations to come.


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