California Gnatcatcher Spotted!

Exciting News from the 32nd Street Canyon

Bird enthusiasts, rejoice! During a recent survey in the 32nd Street Open Space Canyon, there has been a thrilling encounter – a sighting of the California Gnatcatcher!

This tiny, insectivorous bird is an endangered species that relies on healthy coastal sage scrub habitat. The sighting is particularly exciting because it's the first confirmed California Gnatcatcher in the canyon since 2016!

This discovery highlights the importance of protecting the 32nd Street Canyon and its delicate ecosystem. The canyon provides vital habitat for a variety of bird species, including this threatened visitor.

A Big Thank You!

A special thanks goes out to Lesley Handa, a dedicated local ornithologist, who recently conducted her own survey in the canyon. Her work and passion for our local wildlife are truly inspiring.

Take a look at all the species observed:

Let's Keep Up the Good Work!

The sighting of the California Gnatcatcher is a positive sign for the health of the 32nd Street Canyon. However, continued efforts are crucial to ensure its long-term preservation.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Report your bird sightings! Platforms like eBird provide valuable data for conservation efforts.

  • Support organizations dedicated to protecting the 32nd Street Canyon.

  • Spread the word! Raise awareness about the importance of this urban oasis and its endangered inhabitants.

Together, we can make a difference for the California Gnatcatcher and the many other species that call the 32nd Street Canyon home!


Canyon Crisis:


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